Who I Want to Be


Era: road trip

I wrote this yesterday in the bed of my truck.  I've been trying and trying to turn the little song fragments in my head into a whole work, and this was the first time I succeeded so far.  

It's certainly not perfect.  It tries to say a lot, and I think that diminishes anything it doesn't say.  As with all my songs, the goal is to capture a feeling, a moment, or a perspective as truly as I can, but there are more sides to everything.

The process of moving on is not an easy one, and not one that I want to take lightly.  I've had to be intentional in not allowing any bitterness to grow, in trying to be as accurate as possible in my recollections of the past, and to look at myself and my future in a way that's God-honoring and not melodramatic.  I knew that no matter what I did, I didn't want to move on improperly.  The wound needed to be cleaned and stitched in a straight line, not simply have a bandage slapped on it so I didn't have to see it.

Change is unstoppable; slowly but steadily, it makes itself known, flowing at once out of the past and in opposition to it.  I don't like change, but here it comes.

This is the last song tonight, so I guess it's also my last chance to say that I don't claim to be an excellent singer or songwriter.  Clearly, it's mediocre, but I hope it's taken as communicative if not entertaining.


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