With how much time I've been spending in the car lately, you can guess that I've been listening to a lot of music. Right now, though, I'm not going to talking so much about what I've been listening to overall, but instead bringing a few specific songs to your attention. They're songs that deserve it. For fun, I'll tie each of them to how I'm feeling currently. Time - Hans Zimmer Time is from the movie Inception, and it's beautiful. I said in the song tag that Head Case is my favorite song, but in a different way, Time is. There's sadness in it, but mostly resolution. Loss behind, but a moving forward anyway. I don't know what that will look like for me, but I know that's where I'm going. There's a version here that always makes me cry T raveling Alone - Jason Isbell When I left, I had a lot of people ask me if I would get lonely. And very confidently, I said no. I get lonely with other people, I don't get lonely by myse...
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